Your radionics system for successful business advice

The Bucher Business Coach databases contain all necessary information, which leads to the cause finding of the problem.
All databases are free of charge at Bucher GmbH, even those that will be created in the future. The databases can be imported into the Bucher system at the click of a mouse. You can create your own databases, modify or add existing ones.
Databases can be exchanged among Bucher coach users. If you become a member of the Bucher Family free of charge, you can send databases directly from your own system to other members or send databases from them. We would like to encourage the exchange of experience and information between the users.
Currently, there are radionics databases on the following topics:
- Analysis
- Coaching
- Health
- Building
- Harmonization
- Psyche
- Tendencies
- Wheel of Life (Special databases with extended evaluation functions)
However, the Bucher Business Coach has not only radionics databases for resonance testing, but also valuable package compilations, e.g. Very effective for immediate action. The package databases were compiled by experienced Bucher Business Coach users and can be used by all users.
Currently, there are 28 package databases, in the following a small selection:
- Harmonize the workplace
- Consulting
- Self-promotion
- Company sales
- Apprenticeship apprenticeship
- Mobbing
- Protection grids (company buildings & people)
- Prosperity
- Achieve goals