Scan with "Psycho-Somatic Check"

In contrast to the other apps, the Psycho Somatic Check app scans for substantially broader issues. It deals with acting and reacting organs, problems caused by the client's upbringing, relationship or social environment. Bach flowers, Schüßler-Salts and homeopathic medicines. Further, an issue is displayed which should then be discussed with the client.

In addition, medicines from the Landapotheke Heiligenloh are displayed, which were developed by the pharmacist Carsten Pötter. The description of these medicines alone is often sufficient to read the causes of the client's problem.

Further, questions relating to the found entries are displayed, which should be posed to the patient. The answers of these questions almost always contain a description of the actual cause of the problem. To the therapist and the client, the recognition of these causes is often the first and most important step toward solving the problem.

All results are displayed in the playlist after the scan completes.

All entries in the playlist, regardless of which app they originate from, can be printed from the list of analyses window using the magnifying glass.

The Psycho Somatic Check however will generate a comprehensive 7-page report. This report should be handed over to the client with a request to carefully answer the questions therein, so that they may be discussed during the next scheduled session.

The report can be printed, saved or e-mailed using the small icons above the text page.

Every change of behavioral patterns acquired so far, which were determined to be the cause of problems, are difficult. In order for the changes in the client's life to be successful, the found resonances are transferred to the client's field using colored light, hand electrodes or other methods. This will strengthen his or her courage and discipline to actually change the behavioral patterns in question.

Thus the Psycho Somatic Check is a complete radionic system, though its database can not be changed or expanded.